sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013



My mother has short, wavy and brown hair, brown eyes, small nose, white skin and small mouth, she is heavy.
She is beautifull, Intelligent, Honest, Friendly, Cheerful, Responsible and good worker.
She works at Global Clear, she lives in Bogotá, Fontibon with her family, she is 47 years old, she is married, she has three children.


My Father has short, straight and black hair, brown eyes, big nose, olive skin and big mouth, he is avareg weight.
He is responsible, serious, puctual and a good worker.
He works at ALPHA. He is security guard. he lives in Bogotá, Fontibon with his family, he is 48 years old, he is Married.


My sister has long, curly and brown hair, small and brown eyes, small nose, white skin and small mouth, she is small, she is slim.
She is beautifull, Intelligent, Serious, Responsible, Friendly, Cheerful, Good Student and Creative.
She studies Engineering at Central University, She lives in Fontibon with her family, she is 20 years old, she is single but she has a boyfriend.


My brother is slim and tall.
He has short. straight and black hair. big and brown eyes, small nose, olive skin and small mouth.
He is Serius, Honest, Generous, Friendly, PUntual, Good studuent, Creative and good worker.
He studies Engineering at Central University in eighth semestre, he lives in Fontibon with his family, she is 24 years old, he is single but he has girlfriend, he works at Taesmet.

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