sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013



* I wake up at 6:00 A.M on Monday and Wednesday
* I brush my teeth at 6:05 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I take a bath al 6:10 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I get dressed at 6:30 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I brush my hair at 6:40 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I eat egg and arepa for breakfast at 6:50 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I go to SENA at 6:55 a.m on Monday and Wednesday
* I eat lunch everyday at half past 12
* I begin English  class at 2:10 p.m  from Monday and Friday
* I go home at 5:00 p.m  from Monday and Friday
* I do homework at 8:00 p.m from Monday and Friday

* I watch tv ar 10:00 p.m from Monday and Friday
* I eat dinner at 10:30 p.m everyday.
* I wake up at 7:30 am on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I brush my teeth at 7:35 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I take a bath at 7:40 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I get dressed at 8:00 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I make my bed at 8:05 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I brush my hair at 8:10 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I eat egg and arepa for breakfast at 8:15 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday
* I go to SENA at 8:20 a.m on Tuesday, thursday and friday


* I wake up at 9:30 a.m on weekends
* I eat breakfast at 10:30 a.m on weekends
* I clean to house ar 11:00 a.m on weekends
* I take a bath at 12:00 p.m on weekends
* I get dressed ar 12:20 p.m on weekends
* I brush my teeth at 1:00 p.m on weekends
* I sleep at 3:00 p.m on saturday
* I wake up at 4:00 p.m on saturday
* I do homework in the computer ar 4:15 p.m on saturday
* I speak by telephone at 9:00 p.m on weekends
* I sometimes go to the cinemos, go to the park, go to visit my family, and go to mall on sunday

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