sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013


I was born on september the 29th in 1994, in the clinica Magdalena of Bogotá. Daughter of José Olaya and wife Rosalia Medina.

When I was five, I began to study at Batavia Primary school, when I eleven, I Studied at Integrado de Fontibon and I finished my school in 2010.

I began to study Gestion Administrativa al SENA in 2011.

I have one sister, her name is Paula Olaya, she studies Engineering at central University and I have one brother, his name is Heiner Olaya, he studies Engineering at Central University In eighth semestre and works at Taesmet.

I went to Israel for fifteen Days, in June of 2012. Its a beautifull country.

I was good at mathematics, basketball and football

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